Coping with Alpha-Gal through compounding

Alpha-Gal is a reaction caused by tick bites that can cause severe allergic reactions. Some people may be genetically predisposed to this condition, but unfortunately, people do not know that they are at risk until it's too late. Compounding pharmacies can help you treat Alpha Gal syndrome and make sure that you are protected from future reactions.

The three things you should know about Alpha-gal syndrome

Alpha-gal syndrome, or alpha-gal allergy, is a tick bite allergy that's more common in the South. The condition can be treated with a compounding pharmacy—a pharmacy that makes custom medications for clients. Compounding pharmacies are helpful for those who are looking for mammalian-free formulations of certain medications.

How compounding pharmacies can help with Alpha Gal.

Compounding pharmacies are uniquely suited to help customers who have Alpha Gal. By definition, these pharmacies create personalized formulations that are not available commercially. They can also create mammalian-free formulations for those who can't eat red meat animal products. These two factors make compounding pharmacies the best choice for people with Alpha Gal and other food allergies.

In addition to catering to specific dietary needs, compounding pharmacies can also tailor formulations based on individual needs. For example, someone with severe Alpha Gal may need a higher dose than what would normally be available in an over-the-counter supplement. In this case, a compounding pharmacist could combine multiple ingredients and increase the dosage of each ingredient until they reach an appropriate level of dosing per day (or per meal). This ability makes compounding pharmacies ideal for those seeking alternative treatments for their food allergies such as Alpha Gal syndrome or mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).

What is a compounding pharmacy?

A compounding pharmacy is a special type of pharmacy that creates customized medications.

Compounding pharmacies can help with Alpha Gal syndrome. They can create a new medication that works for you, based on your individual needs. It might not be covered by insurance, but it could help you feel better and lead a more normal life.

Lawrence Drug and Compounding Lab can be an important resource that focuses on helping those suffering from Alpha Gal syndrome.

Lawrence Drug and Compounding lab can help formulate mammalian-free formulations such as diphenhydramine, ketotifen, cromolyn and Low dose naltrexone to help specifically manage alpha gal symptoms. We can also compound your existing medications into mammalian free formulations to prevent alpha gal flare ups.

If you have any questions about compounding options for alpha gal syndrome, please feel free to contact us at Lawrence Drug and Compounding Lab. A member of our team will be more than willing to discuss your options and work with your doctor to help you manage your Alpha Gal


So, in summary, the three things that you should know about Alpha-gal syndrome are:

  • It's a serious allergy that can be life threatening if not treated properly.

  • Although there is no cure for it yet (but some promising breakthroughs are on the way), there are ways to manage symptoms and prevent reactions from occurring in the first place!

  • Lawrence Drug and Compounding Lab can be a helpful resource for those who suffer from Alpha Gal syndrome and other chronic conditions such as food allergies or autoimmune diseases like MS or RA. They can help find solutions that work best for each individual's unique needs through high quality compounded medications produced specifically with them in mind.


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